Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Reynold's Terrible Day.

"Heyo!" exclaimed Justin.
     "Hi." sighed Reynold "how are you?" 
     "Just exuberant!" replied Justin, "How are you on this fine day?" 
     Reynold replied depressingly; "oh I could be better." 
    "Really now? I think you should be superb today! You're above ground, the sun is shining and the air is clean; how could you not love today?" 
Justin honestly could not fathom why Reynold was having such an average day, Because Justin really loves everyday and thinks of it as a gift. 
Whereas Reynold had a very different view on life that was less optimistic. 
     “Oh it’s just the fact that I’m feeling down in the dumps because my pencil broke.” Croaked Reynold. 
Justin replied, “Oh is that all? I’ll give you a pencil buddy.” 
     “What? Really!” Exclaimed Reynold.  
     “For sure man.” Justin replied. 
As Justin held out the pencil, Reynold reached for it and fell off of his chair; As he fell the expression on his face was sheer terror. He hit the ground with an enormous thud. Reynold lay motionless on the ground. 
     “Are you okay?” Justin asked sympathetically. 
No Reply. “Seriously Reynold, are you okay?”  Still no reply. Then Reynold snorted as a pig would. 
     “Today, is not my best day.” Wheezed Reynold “I think I’ll just walk home, curl up in bed and sleep until tomorrow.” Reynold rose to his feet, picked up his things and walked out the AB. Ed. Room door. 
     Justin hollered out the door to Reynold, “Have a better day Reynold ! You deserve it!” Then Justin looked to his math workbook and continued with the question he had stopped working on when Reynold walked into the room. 

Monday, November 1, 2010

Gary Sinise - The Golden Choice

   George Milton (played by Gary Sinise). A migrant worker who travels from farm to farm with his mentally impaired friend Lennie Small during the Depression. I feel strongly that Sinise was a perfect choice to display the character of George Milton, He's built exactly as I had pictured him, He had the same facial expressions and very uptight persona that I painted in my minds eye. The fact is Gary Sinise seems like a dream chaser to me, Just as George is. The way he carries himself in the movie, as though he is driven by hope of a brighter day, yet hardened by the blazing sun and back breaking work. By virtue of his mental superiority, George assumes a dominant role with Lennie, acting similar to a parent. Because Lennie tends to involve George in difficult predicaments, Sinise portrays a responsible, level-headed man who is  ready to deal with any tragedy that may arise. Sinise was a golden choice for George, with one exception. He could have put on more muscle. George to me was a short yet stocky man who was sturdy as an Ox. I did not gather that feeling from Sinise in the film. I also feel that Sinise captured George's shifty ways of talking about other character's such as Curley's Wife; George in the book does not prefer to talk about other people directly, because he feels that it could be something that is held against him. Sinise has the talent and the grit to be a solid choice for George Milton. Overall I Give Sinise a 9.3 out of 10. 

Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time, There were two men, George Milton and Lennie Small. Lennie, was in a heap o' trouble; He had killed a fellow worker's wife. Curley who was in such a furious state had planned on pursuing his wife's attacker. George being such a kind hearted and golden friend attempted to deter Curley from doing so; the two then began to quarrel which quickly slid downhill. George and Curley, both who cared deeply for their comrades then faced each other; like a scene from an old western movie, guns at their sides. One step. Another. Curley drew first BANG and a miss. George just milliseconds later, BANG he had missed as well. Split seconds later the two were on each other like white on rice. George was on top, thundering down his fists the way Zeus would throw thunderbolts, crashing into Curley's face with such force that one would think Curley's face would be decimated into soup. Curley moved so swiftly out of his predicament that one would swear the lord himself possessed Curley. Now he was atop George. Raining fists down like a hailstorm, Blood gushing from every orifice on his face. Trying his hardest to knock the sense out of George. Curley jumps up, George scrambles to his feet. Both of their faces drenched in thick dark red ooze. Their clothes tattered, worn, and covered with dirt and debris from the tussle, it looked as though they were soldiers in the trenches crawling around in their very own filth. Two right hands cocked back, like the hammer on a gun, they both squeezed the trigger at the same time. Within a split second the two fists collided with one another's face, the sound was similar to that of a whip being cracked in mid-air, the two dropped like sacks of potatoes, The crowd that had gathered around them in the traditional fight circle, howled like wolves around a kill. George and Curley were knocked out cold.