Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Preprosterous Principals !

Principals are terrible role models. Who in their right mind would look up to one of these clean shaven, sharply dressed and ingenious individuals? The way they're always doing there best to create a fun and proud environment inside the school; by hosting Maggie Idol, Maggie's got talent and Western Week to name a few. The way they're always asking one to go to class on time, looking out for ones education. It would be crazy to look up to them. Calling students down to the homework room to finish their homework, what an irrational request! Asking students to finish their homework absolutely absurd. Their disciplinarian ways, giving out school suspensions for not doing ones homework, how unreasonable! Asking students to behave in the hallways, not to use such foul language, these principals just have ridiculous expectations of us students like: completing assignments, acting our own age, having a good attitude towards school and not using cellphones in class is the crown jewel of the principals expectations. That is the cherry on top of the sundae of preposterous expectations. How on earth are the students supposed to keep in contact with one another? Without using their cellphones? Face to face contact? Absolutley not. That is way to awkward. It's way to much work to move ones mouth, to have facial expression and to maintain eye contact. Another thing what is it with principals and asking students to be civil towards each other? How on earth are we supposed to look beyond other students' flaws? Not to make the snide comments on their clothes, or how they act and even who they choose to spend their time with? How is it that principals can even expect us to adhere to these absurd rules that even small children could follow ? To be honest I have not a clue my fellow classmates. Although I do know one thing. Principals are everything they're cracked up to be. They are hard nosed, they are fun loving, they do hold us accountable and they will not stand for injustice.

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