Wednesday, December 1, 2010

To whom it may concern.

 To whom it may concern: 
      When I cross the street cars have to look both ways. Your university would greatly benefit of my presence. I have climbed Mount Everest in thirty minutes and snowboarded down in fifteen minutes. I have already been to Mars, that is why there are no signs of life. I became a twelfth degree black belt by the time I was 5 years old. I trained with Bruce Lee and won. I won the Nobel Prize for Physics when I was twelve years old. It has been brought to my attention however that I have not been to university. This is an outrage. How can this be? A man of my stature, outright wit and smarts, has not been to university. I have counted to infinity. Twice. I have calculated to the very last digit of pi. I wrestle olympic champions, win, then tell them what they were doing wrong. A nickel and a quarter.I have had my tonsils removed, four times ! Swamis make the journey of a thousand miles to ask for advice from me. I can slam revolving doors. I have nailed Jell-o to a tree. I once fought Superman on a bet, the loser had to wear his underwear on the outside of his clothes. I starred in all six Star Wars movies.
As the force. But I have not been to university. I do not read books, I stare at them until they give me the information I need. I have a photographic memory. I was Honest Abes conscience. I answered my own riddle before I knew the question which is: You're trying to make thirty cents and you can only use two coins, one of them is not a nickel. My acheivements have no structure or particular order because there are too many to structure. I cut a hot knife with butter. I once explained sound to a deaf person. I do not turn on lights, I turn the dark off. I am the only man to ever defeat a brick wall in a game of tennis. My I.Q. is Infinite. I am the only man to punch a cyclops in between the eyes. If I were a hotel I'd be a ten star attraction. There is no theory of evolution. that is just a list of creatures I have allowed to live. I hold all of the world records. The names in the book are the ones who came in second. Yet I have never been to university. There is no possible way I would not be accepted into your university. So thanking you and your institution in advance, yours truly, Justin George. 

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