Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Preprosterous Principals !

Principals are terrible role models. Who in their right mind would look up to one of these clean shaven, sharply dressed and ingenious individuals? The way they're always doing there best to create a fun and proud environment inside the school; by hosting Maggie Idol, Maggie's got talent and Western Week to name a few. The way they're always asking one to go to class on time, looking out for ones education. It would be crazy to look up to them. Calling students down to the homework room to finish their homework, what an irrational request! Asking students to finish their homework absolutely absurd. Their disciplinarian ways, giving out school suspensions for not doing ones homework, how unreasonable! Asking students to behave in the hallways, not to use such foul language, these principals just have ridiculous expectations of us students like: completing assignments, acting our own age, having a good attitude towards school and not using cellphones in class is the crown jewel of the principals expectations. That is the cherry on top of the sundae of preposterous expectations. How on earth are the students supposed to keep in contact with one another? Without using their cellphones? Face to face contact? Absolutley not. That is way to awkward. It's way to much work to move ones mouth, to have facial expression and to maintain eye contact. Another thing what is it with principals and asking students to be civil towards each other? How on earth are we supposed to look beyond other students' flaws? Not to make the snide comments on their clothes, or how they act and even who they choose to spend their time with? How is it that principals can even expect us to adhere to these absurd rules that even small children could follow ? To be honest I have not a clue my fellow classmates. Although I do know one thing. Principals are everything they're cracked up to be. They are hard nosed, they are fun loving, they do hold us accountable and they will not stand for injustice.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Mmm hmmm, yeah
BK, Uptown, Boogie Down, Queens
It's beautiful

Listen, I got a lot to say (yeah)
Usually my smile stay locked away
But not today, I have to laugh
On the real the Aftermath's kind of ill like I'm Dr. Dre
Sometimes I run to the club and get faded
It's funny how you get jaded, I just hate it (just hate it)
But this song gives a different kind of feelin'
It's a new kind of dealin', it's a special kind of healin' (uh huh)
And I can show what it is
Best flow in the biz? You know what it is
Positive over negative, see the Ace a Masta
Even when I face disaster (that's right)
I rise up above
See, people still showin' me love
Get the respect without droppin' a check
This hip hop thing might stop in a sec
So this brand new ish, you can pop in the deck
It's beautiful


It's beautiful


Yeah, this is brand new Uptown still in the box
This is the Yankees, 10-nothin', killin' the Sox
This ain't huggin' the block wit' a gat in ya hand
This is ??? on the Catamaran (that's right)
With the sun beamin' down while you sat in the sand
I feel like I'm more than a cat wit' a plan
This feels like it's more than a flash in the pan
This is milk in the cup and cash in ya hand
This is a warm coat on the coldest night
That's why I stole this mic, y'all don't hold this right (nope)
First in a class of many
This is a bottle of Jack and a glass of Henny (that's right)
Now drink it up 'til there ain't nothin' left in it
I'm reppin' it, BK, that's a definite
There's more of these amazing rhymes
A song like this in these days and times is beautiful


It's beautiful


(I'm wishin' on and on and on...) the most beautiful thing ever
And it's here to bring terror to the bling era (yeah)
You can feel it in ya inner
It's like Grandma's house, Thanksgiving dinner
It's like a day in the park
Or at night when you get the ball and you play in the dark (swish)
It's that street corner music
Where most cats when they pull that heat go and use it
I see a black man aimin' his gun
But I'd rather see a black man claimin' his son
You know the sound is pretty
Even when you got to get down and gritty
This is money in the bank like you down wit' Diddy
This a helicopter ride around the city
And we love it cuz it brought us here
It's like a young mother braidin' her daughter's hair
It's beautiful


It's beautiful

Extended Metaphor. That is the entirety of this song. Masta Ace A.K.A Duval Clear is talking about his life right now in the fast lane. How it's "the most beautiful thing ever". About how his entire life is poetry in motion. He uses multiple similes to describe how "[it feels] like Grandma's house, Thanksgiving dinner", describes the feeling of love in his heart for what he does in life and how he would not trade it for the world. He uses short sentences and parallel structure to drive the point home: "I see a black man aimin' his gun
But I'd rather see a black man claimin' his son
You know the sound is pretty
Even when you got to get down and gritty
This is money in the bank like you down wit' Diddy
This a helicopter ride around the city
And we love it cuz it brought us here
It's like a young mother braidin' her daughter's hair
It's beautiful". He also uses effective metaphors like " This is The Yankees ten nothin' killin' The Sox", to further drill home the point of he feels excellent. 

The fourth wise man.

His shabby hat looked as though it had seem many sun drenched days in its life. Almost as it had been through as many hardships as the small leathery man. The wrinkles on his forehead were trenches that signified the long hard fought life of what remained on the old man. It was almost as his skin was a size too big for him like the sweater your grandmother gave you for your birthday. The gray tufts of hair that still remained on his petite head were old, withered and looked like the fibers on an old tennis ball. His eyes were drenched with disappointment and sadness. His cheek bones were sacs of air wanting to burst out of the old mans skin to the freshness around. His bristly silver mustache was the only thing that appeared to be firmly attached to his face, almost as if the hairs were stapling his skin to the bone underneath. His weathered hands appeared to have been through everything from scalding hot water to freezing rain and howling wind all the way to broken fingers and hangnails. The age spots on his skin were tales. Tales that have not been told and may never be told. He may be a lot of things, but it is evident through his distinguishing features he is no quitter.

To whom it may concern.

 To whom it may concern: 
      When I cross the street cars have to look both ways. Your university would greatly benefit of my presence. I have climbed Mount Everest in thirty minutes and snowboarded down in fifteen minutes. I have already been to Mars, that is why there are no signs of life. I became a twelfth degree black belt by the time I was 5 years old. I trained with Bruce Lee and won. I won the Nobel Prize for Physics when I was twelve years old. It has been brought to my attention however that I have not been to university. This is an outrage. How can this be? A man of my stature, outright wit and smarts, has not been to university. I have counted to infinity. Twice. I have calculated to the very last digit of pi. I wrestle olympic champions, win, then tell them what they were doing wrong. A nickel and a quarter.I have had my tonsils removed, four times ! Swamis make the journey of a thousand miles to ask for advice from me. I can slam revolving doors. I have nailed Jell-o to a tree. I once fought Superman on a bet, the loser had to wear his underwear on the outside of his clothes. I starred in all six Star Wars movies.
As the force. But I have not been to university. I do not read books, I stare at them until they give me the information I need. I have a photographic memory. I was Honest Abes conscience. I answered my own riddle before I knew the question which is: You're trying to make thirty cents and you can only use two coins, one of them is not a nickel. My acheivements have no structure or particular order because there are too many to structure. I cut a hot knife with butter. I once explained sound to a deaf person. I do not turn on lights, I turn the dark off. I am the only man to ever defeat a brick wall in a game of tennis. My I.Q. is Infinite. I am the only man to punch a cyclops in between the eyes. If I were a hotel I'd be a ten star attraction. There is no theory of evolution. that is just a list of creatures I have allowed to live. I hold all of the world records. The names in the book are the ones who came in second. Yet I have never been to university. There is no possible way I would not be accepted into your university. So thanking you and your institution in advance, yours truly, Justin George. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Reynold's Terrible Day.

"Heyo!" exclaimed Justin.
     "Hi." sighed Reynold "how are you?" 
     "Just exuberant!" replied Justin, "How are you on this fine day?" 
     Reynold replied depressingly; "oh I could be better." 
    "Really now? I think you should be superb today! You're above ground, the sun is shining and the air is clean; how could you not love today?" 
Justin honestly could not fathom why Reynold was having such an average day, Because Justin really loves everyday and thinks of it as a gift. 
Whereas Reynold had a very different view on life that was less optimistic. 
     “Oh it’s just the fact that I’m feeling down in the dumps because my pencil broke.” Croaked Reynold. 
Justin replied, “Oh is that all? I’ll give you a pencil buddy.” 
     “What? Really!” Exclaimed Reynold.  
     “For sure man.” Justin replied. 
As Justin held out the pencil, Reynold reached for it and fell off of his chair; As he fell the expression on his face was sheer terror. He hit the ground with an enormous thud. Reynold lay motionless on the ground. 
     “Are you okay?” Justin asked sympathetically. 
No Reply. “Seriously Reynold, are you okay?”  Still no reply. Then Reynold snorted as a pig would. 
     “Today, is not my best day.” Wheezed Reynold “I think I’ll just walk home, curl up in bed and sleep until tomorrow.” Reynold rose to his feet, picked up his things and walked out the AB. Ed. Room door. 
     Justin hollered out the door to Reynold, “Have a better day Reynold ! You deserve it!” Then Justin looked to his math workbook and continued with the question he had stopped working on when Reynold walked into the room. 

Monday, November 1, 2010

Gary Sinise - The Golden Choice

   George Milton (played by Gary Sinise). A migrant worker who travels from farm to farm with his mentally impaired friend Lennie Small during the Depression. I feel strongly that Sinise was a perfect choice to display the character of George Milton, He's built exactly as I had pictured him, He had the same facial expressions and very uptight persona that I painted in my minds eye. The fact is Gary Sinise seems like a dream chaser to me, Just as George is. The way he carries himself in the movie, as though he is driven by hope of a brighter day, yet hardened by the blazing sun and back breaking work. By virtue of his mental superiority, George assumes a dominant role with Lennie, acting similar to a parent. Because Lennie tends to involve George in difficult predicaments, Sinise portrays a responsible, level-headed man who is  ready to deal with any tragedy that may arise. Sinise was a golden choice for George, with one exception. He could have put on more muscle. George to me was a short yet stocky man who was sturdy as an Ox. I did not gather that feeling from Sinise in the film. I also feel that Sinise captured George's shifty ways of talking about other character's such as Curley's Wife; George in the book does not prefer to talk about other people directly, because he feels that it could be something that is held against him. Sinise has the talent and the grit to be a solid choice for George Milton. Overall I Give Sinise a 9.3 out of 10. 

Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time, There were two men, George Milton and Lennie Small. Lennie, was in a heap o' trouble; He had killed a fellow worker's wife. Curley who was in such a furious state had planned on pursuing his wife's attacker. George being such a kind hearted and golden friend attempted to deter Curley from doing so; the two then began to quarrel which quickly slid downhill. George and Curley, both who cared deeply for their comrades then faced each other; like a scene from an old western movie, guns at their sides. One step. Another. Curley drew first BANG and a miss. George just milliseconds later, BANG he had missed as well. Split seconds later the two were on each other like white on rice. George was on top, thundering down his fists the way Zeus would throw thunderbolts, crashing into Curley's face with such force that one would think Curley's face would be decimated into soup. Curley moved so swiftly out of his predicament that one would swear the lord himself possessed Curley. Now he was atop George. Raining fists down like a hailstorm, Blood gushing from every orifice on his face. Trying his hardest to knock the sense out of George. Curley jumps up, George scrambles to his feet. Both of their faces drenched in thick dark red ooze. Their clothes tattered, worn, and covered with dirt and debris from the tussle, it looked as though they were soldiers in the trenches crawling around in their very own filth. Two right hands cocked back, like the hammer on a gun, they both squeezed the trigger at the same time. Within a split second the two fists collided with one another's face, the sound was similar to that of a whip being cracked in mid-air, the two dropped like sacks of potatoes, The crowd that had gathered around them in the traditional fight circle, howled like wolves around a kill. George and Curley were knocked out cold.